On the following pages I'd like to present my collection of international bayonets.
Because of recent incidents I'd like to point out that all texts and pictures of these sites may be re-used only with my permission! Meanwhile the focus of my collection ist on german bayonets from 1860 until now, and furthermore on french and british bayonets. But the main part of the collection is still international. I own some socketbayonets, but I don't really collect them, I'm "hunting" for knife- and swordbayonets. Recent changes to this presentation can be found at the bottom of the menu, just click at "Änderungen". Please excuse the rather minimalistic english version of this homepage, but I don't have the time or the webspace to keep two versions running. Here is a link to the famous "babelfish"-translation-site: Access to parts of my collection is restricted , because some of the pictures might be interpreted in a wrong way. "Censored" versions of that sites can be visited. I'm sorry some laws urge me to do so. Comments are always welcome, feel free to use my guestbook. If you have some information on my unknown / unidentified bayonets (section "UNBEKANNT") please send me an email to help me identify those mysterious "John Does". |